The long-awaited novelty! Mead Honey Wine made in cooperation with the Vorlíček mead shop, and only for Hells Bells!
The result is a traditional honest mead, cold made only from honey and water, which you can buy from us – either a whole bottle for 350 CZK or a shot for 48 CZK! 🙂

The mead for the rock bar Hells Bells Prague is a traditional mead, which means that the basis for its production is only water and honey, without other ingredients such as alcohol, aromas, punishment, coolers and no herbs and spices were used. Its main advantage is that it was produced by the cold method, which differs from most mead in that the solution of honey and water is not boiled, so the original properties of honey are not ruined and mead retains all its components. It ferments at low temperatures. It is made of dark forest honey, which contains honeydew and flower nectars from the undergrowth of the forest, such as raspberries and blackberries, as well as linden flowers. It fermented and matured in a stainless steel tank so that its taste and aroma were as clean as possible and did not disturb the aroma of the starting honey. During its production, rock music, especially the Rolling Stones, often played in the cellar